Trips & Outings

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School outings and residential trips are a very important part of school life at Heatherton, and we aim to inspire all our pupils with a carefully planned range of educational and recreational trips throughout the year.

We believe that a diverse range of activities and visits at all ages add to an enriched education, and give each child a personal stimulus and challenge each term. Happy and active children are motivated to do well in everything they do.

Residential trips

To help encourage independence and collaboration among our Prep School girls (Years 3-6), we have introduced a residential trip programme that starts in Year 3 with a sleepover experience at school in the Trinity Term. In Year 4, our girls then take part in an overnight camping adventure in the grounds of Berkhamsted Pre-Prep. By the time Heatherton girls reach Year 5, they are ready to enjoy a cross-curricular five-day residential stay in Malham, Yorkshire, followed by a week’s French trip at the end of Year 6. This gradual programme of residential experiences help to instil in Heatherton girls the life skills needed on the next step of their educational journey. They’re also lots of fun!

This table shows examples of principal visits, trips and activities undertaken in a typical year at Heatherton. 

NURSERY Astronomy Roadshow

Welly walks


Welly walks Train ride

Welly walks


RECEPTION Visit from Fire Brigade, Police and Nurse to tie in with ‘People Who Help Us’ topic Forest School local walks College Lake, Tring, visit as part of ‘Bear’ topic
YEAR 1 Sensory science walk in the woods

Visit from the local toy museum to link in with history topic ‘Old and New’

Bekonscot Model Village visit to observe how homes have changed over time Space workshop to learn more about Neil Armstrong and the moon landing
YEAR 2 Environmental Field Studies Centre visit Wren Davis Farm visit to enhance science topic Visit to local church as part of RE topic

Follow-up visit to Wren Davis Farm

YEAR 3 Brass Rubbing workshop

Team-building day at Berkhamsted Pre-Prep

Bulb planting in the local community

St Albans Verulamium visit as part of history topic Viking Day to enhance history topic

Overnight stay at Heatherton

YEAR 4 Shortenills Field Study Centre visit

Ashmolean Museum visit to link in with Egyptian history topic

Gamelan musical workshop

Design & Make workshop at Berkhamsted School

Hampton Court visit

Overnight stay at Berkhamsted Pre-Prep

YEAR 5 Europa Centre visit to enhance French-language speaking

Technical theatre workshop at Berkhamsted School

Astronomy Roadshow

Ancient Greek Day as part of history topic

Easter Ski Trip

Residential week in Malham, Yorkshire
YEAR 6 Van Hage Garden Centre visit to enhance science topic

British Schools Museum, Hitchin, visit to enhance history topic

LSO Garageband music workshop

Easter Ski Trip

Team-building day at Berkhamsted Pre-Prep

Residential week in France

WHOLE SCHOOL WW1 history workshop

Bollywood dance workshop

Samba workshop Drama workshop