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组徽 - 横向使用 Sketch 创建。
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0 - 3 岁 3 - 7 岁 7 - 11 岁 3 - 11 岁 11 - 16 岁 11 - 16 岁 16 - 18 岁
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向下滚动 <i class="fa fa-fw fa-caret-down"></i>

Link Community Development 成立于 2004 年 8 月,由桑迪高级中学和伯克姆斯特德学校联合创办。两所学校之间的友谊与日俱增。


  • 通过信件、贺卡、电话和电子邮件进行交流。
  • 往返英国和南非
  • 桑迪助学金等特别项目


桑迪高级中学(Sandi Senior Secondary School)成立于 1995 年,是一所位于东开普省恩格莱尼区(Ngqeleni District)的农村男女混合学校。最近的城镇是姆塔塔(Mthatha)。

约有 870 名 15-25 岁的学生和 32 名教育工作者。学习者的母语是伊西科萨语。课程以英语进行。一小部分学生在学校附近租房居住,因为他们的家太远,每天都要走很远的路。


伯克姆斯特德预备学校与恩岑德万初级中学(Ntsundwane Junior Secondary School)建立了联系。Ntsundwane 初级中学成立于 1929 年。该校约有 880 名从 R 年级到 9 年级的学生。共有 26 名教育工作者。学校距离桑迪高级中学约 700 米。

<strong data-redactor-tag="strong">Berkhamsted Bursary</strong> – this enables a Sandi learner, who would not otherwise be able to do so, to complete a four year teaching degree at the Walter Sisulu University in Mthatha. Our first Bursary student Phelisa Khalazani graduated in 2013 and is now working at another school in the Eastern Cape. Our second student Godlo graduated early 2015 and at the time of writing is working at Sandi. We are currently supporting three other students Sivuile Fodo, Luvuyo Juliwe and Aphelele Nomandela at various stages in their studies.

<strong data-redactor-tag="strong">Sandi 24 Club</strong> – parents and staff are invited to support this fundraising initiative for the Berkhamsted Bursary. The Club has the potential to generate a third of the annual fundraising target when it reaches its maximum membership of 300. As a member, parents sign up to donate £24 per year, or multiples of that, and in exchange, you will be kept up to date with news of the Sandi Link and be included in a monthly prize draw where you can win anywhere between £25 and £500.